Python & CircuitPython Workshops

Explorer Badge

The Explorer Badge uses an RP2040 microcontroller with 8MB of storage and has CircuitPython pre-installed. The badge has integrated hardware which makes exploring CircuitPython hardware coding easy. The badge also has three break-out headers for even more customization.

Intro to Python

Python is a popular programming language that is easy to learn and widely used for data analysis, scientific computing, server management, and more. This workshop will introduce basic Python programming, variables, flow statements, and functions. It will introduce several resources for exploring Python further.

More Python

Python is a popular programming language that is easy to learn and widely used. This workshop will introduce build on the basics with additional native datatypes, combining data and functions into classes, and used Serial and file I/O.

Hack the Badge

The Explorer Badge runs CircuitPython - designed for running on microcontrollers and has a wide range of hardware support. This workshop covers coding for all of the hardware features built into badge. Learn to control the Neopixel LEDs, read the touch sensors, use the sound hardware to build a synth, store persistent data in the EEPROM, and customize the content on the ePaper display.